Wednesday, October 22, 2008

murderous thoughts ...

hubby has been having this AWFUL cough for awhile now. It's so awful that a few nites ago, he chose to sleep outside in the hall instead of with us on the bed - for one thing, he felt that the air con was making it worse and he didn't want us to be bothered by his incessant coughing through the night ..

I say "us" cos Lauren and Emily sleep with us .. yes, I am a believer of sleep sharing .. I love having my little ones with me .. that and Lauren REFUSES to sleep with her big sis in the next room claiming that she loves me so she must sleep with me .. lol. Hubby and I are fine with it cos we figure there'll come a time when they won't want to sleep with us anyway. So every morning I wake up being squashed by 2 little bodies who try to sleep as close to me as possible .. lol !!

Anyway, so after that one nite where he slept in the hall, his coughing seemed to improve, so the next time I insisted that he sleep on the bed ... cos I know it's uncomfortable to sleep the whole nite on the sofa ...


Uncle was hacking the whole nite despite my best efforts to prevent it .. I rubbed Vicks on his chest and back .. gave him his medicine regularly that whole day (he was on mc) .. and massaged his arms and legs with a herbal oil to "warm" his body up ...

He was coughing and coughing .. and everytime he did, I was jolted awake .. I was so annoyed. lol. Even in my groggy state, I contemplated smothering the man with my pillow to put him and more importantly, me, out of OUR misery. hahahahahaha.

The next morning, I woke up to a headache and promptly threw up cos I felt tired and giddy ... and the first words out of my mouth were "you're sleeping in the hall tonight, I dun care!"

see, the love??

I also went down to Guardian Pharmacy and bought the strongest cough suppresant they had and antibacterial lozenges. Hubby was appalled cos he thinks Strepsiles and Breacol are good enough. I snorted and told him that the cheaper the medication, the lousier they were.

I know I am right.

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