Thursday, April 25, 2013

Genetic lottery

I love watching the tv series, Nikita. Man, that's one hot chick - Maggie Q. I initially watched it for Shane West but who am I kidding, here really? It's Maggie Q that is the main draw of that show. The woman is not only gorgeous, she can kick ass too. Damn it.

I remember as idiot teenagers back in secondary school, we asked ourselves the oh so profound question .. "Would you rather be pretty but dumb, or unfortunate looking but really smart?"

*Snort* My answer hasn't changed in 20 something years. At least I'm consistent. Lol. I came from the top girl's school .. And sad to say, I wasn't smart. Neither was I pretty. Bummer, man. At least my fellow classmates .. There were quite a number who were smart and pretty. So this Maggie Q .. She's gorgeous and sexy and she doesn't strike me as being dumb as well. Damn her ... Lol.

Anyway, every week I watch Nikita and drool over her good looks. I am fairly convinced actual spies must also be watching the series but scoffing away. If real spies looked like ANY of the main characters on Nikita, they'd be in trouble. They'd attract too much attention. I'm pretty certain spies need to blend in with the rest of us common looking folk and not stand out too much. Her partner in the series, Alex .. She ALWAYS has full make up on .. Complete with the smoky eyeshadow and eyeliner. They look more like supermodels than spies I swear. Lol.

Yeah, yeah .. Suspension of disbelief and all that. I'm still a big fan of the show. They all just look too gorgeous to NOT watch. Plus, the series is action packed and has its funny moments.

And it does have yummy men. Like Dillon Casey (he's sooooo hot I tell you) and Noah Bean and Shane West.

Give the series a go :) ..

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Escapism ...

I read and I watch tv for the sense of escapism it gives me. Don't get me wrong .. I'm not escaping from my life. I just like temporarily being distracted. And tv and books are the safest bets. Lol. No danger. No wrong doing.

I've started reading properly on my iPad but mostly on my Kindle Fire. The iPhone was getting kinda tiny. I would get headaches after a long time staring at the screen.

I get escapism from watching movies too. You don't have to tell me twice to suspend my disbelief. I'm not one to delve too much into the details or loopholes. The Hubby was complaining about GI Joe Retaliation and how some things didn't add up. I rolled my eyes. Ok, maybe I was too busy ogling Dwayne Johnson and Channing Tatum to really pay attention but what the hell man, it's a movie. A very entertaining, action packed movie. I enjoyed it.

I can read for hours. I mostly do it when my family is sound asleep. I can plough through the pages really fast and not get interrupted. Love.

I've been encouraging my kids to read as well. I visit the National library and borrow books for them. I'm hoping they glean more than just stories from books. I hope it improves their English, fuels their imagination and gives them the escapism if only for a little while as they read.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I love my nails ..

Ok. Confirmed I have an obsession with my nails.


I went for another manicure and pedicure yesterday. My nails had grown really long. Like really really long. I was almost handicapped by them. Hahah! I couldn't open a bag of chips - that's how bad it got. Anyway, I told my manicurist to trim my nails. And got PINK GLITTER GELISH. oh the love !!