Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lizzie the Lizard ...

I was at a good friend's place the other day and was admiring something she had on her wall. A decorative lizard hanging on her wall. I asked her where she had purchased it from and she informed it she had bought it from Lim's Arts and Living. Of course, the next weekend, I went down to the store in Vivocity and the staff there told me they didn't have the one that I liked anymore. Bummer !

My friend, Tracey, too had gone to the Lim's store near her place where she had originally purchased hers from and they too, had sold out.

I was a bit disappointed and meant to go down to their main store in Holland Village sometime in June (which I didn't manage to somehow) to check there.

Today, I was hanging out with Tracey at her place and she presented me with a gift .. she was grinning from ear to ear. I was so touched when I opened the package to see the lizard !! Here it is !

It's cute. Come on .. it is !! ..

Monday, June 27, 2011

One of my favourite songs to drive to ..

I love Cafe Del Mar type songs .. I can imagine relaxing on the deck of a beach home listening to songs like these .. anyway, this isn't a new song from Zero 7 .. easily about 5 years old. Still awesome to listen to. No beach front property like me? No problemo .. I listen to it while driving down the CTE .. lol :p

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Late nights

If you know me personally, you'd know I am a night owl. Always have been. Since I was a teen. Can't get to bed before midnight and of course as I get older, I'm blardy getting to bed later and later. Right now, I'm averaging about 3 am most nights, or should I say, mornings. And what do I do with my time? Well, either I'm watching cable tv or surfing the net or both. And the worst thing I can do online late in the night is surf porn.

Hahahaha, of course NOT! Che. I am the last person on this earth to surf porn websites. Not cos I'm such a prude. It's because I think porn is a waste of brain cells and precious time.

So, back to the worst thing I can do online.


Man, it's like going to the mall in your PJs. Seriously. And the stores are never closed (unless the website is down for maintenance) .. and the variety of things u can buy .. It's mind boggling. And there are no crowds to contend with, no queues at the cashier. And all done from the comfort of my bedroom. Awesome.

All I need is my laptop, internet access, a credit card and let the fun begin!! Come on, with ONLINE SHOPPING, who needs trashy websites??!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

0 to 60 in a flash

It's JUNE already. Can u believe it? I can't .. where has the year gone? It's already mid-way! .. Soon, the stores will be putting out their Christmas decorations. I swear the time is just going by so fast ... and while the kids get bigger and we celebrate their milestones .. we are getting older.

Ok, my bad .. I meant I AM GETTING OLDER. And does that freak me out? Hell yes! .. I used to think I wouldn't want to be one of those women who would freak out when someone asks how old they are .. and I still don't .. but now, I understand WHY they do it. Man, it's hard accepting that your youth is behind you. Young guys don't check you no more .. instead, they respectfully move aside for you to walk by with your pram and screaming kids.

Oh the horror of that realization.

I am getting old. I will be 38 this year .. 2 days after Christmas .. I'll be celebrating my 38th birthday .. I'll then be 2 years from my 40th birthday .. and we all know what that is ..

It's DOWNHILL from there, man .. DOWNHILL. High blood pressure pills, bifocals .. early menopause (possibly) .. 40 is the OLD ZONE .. I won't be in my mid or late 30s .. In 2014, I'll be in my early 40s. That is of course, IF the world doesn't come to an end like in that movie with John Cusack "2012".

That is shit scary. When I was a teen, I thought 30s was OLD. And here I am, about to be 40 IN 2 YEARS TIME.

When my mom was getting older, she'd act all freaky .. and my brothers and I had zero clue what was happening. She'd tell us not to call her "Mummy" in public .. she had us young .. at 21, so by the time I was 16, she was only 37 and she would throw a fit if we raised our voices in public to call her "Mummy" .. we were instructed to tell the shopkeepers she wasn't our mother .. she said they were all nosy she said ..Now, I understand. She didn't want them to know her age. *I'm rolling my eyes here*

I, on the other hand, strive to not be as freakish as she was. I readily tell people my age .. and beam if they say I look good for my age after 5 kids or just ignore them if they have mean things to say .. there will always be mean people around anyway.

It still doesn't stop me from panicking at my impending senior citizenship status .. Hubby says I should stop colouring my hair and act my age ... lol :p He's a guy what does he know? .. I'm 38 not 68 .. I ain't walking around with half a head of white hair .. JUST YET.

OK .. now I just have to worry about zombies ...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I miss ..

Been missing a lot of things. Including this view from my kitchen on the base. Yes, it was base housing .. But I loved it. I wonder if we'll ever get a chance to go back to Clovis, NM.

- Posted using BlogPress from my cool iPhone :p