Saturday, July 19, 2008

If women are from Venus ...

then men are from another solar system ...

The euphoria of hubby being home from Australia after 6 long weeks ... lasted all of 3 days. lol. By Thursday, I was wondering when on earth this man was going back to work. I think if he were to retire now (if we win $10 million in TOTO for eg) ... I would go mad. I love having my hubby around ... but not ALL the time. For all you newlyweds, PLEASE .. you don't know anything yet ... for us, we've been married 10.5 years, dated for 6 years before that ... so I KNOW BETTER ... lol. Trust me, as much as you love seeing your hubby the WHOLE BLARDY DAY AND NITE ... after being married so long, it's nice that you don't have to see each other the whole day ... especially when you have kids ...

I noticed that once you become parents ... there's another thing you realize you differ on - parenting styles and ideas. What is acceptable or ok for one of you .. may be not the best solution the other would pick when faced with a baby/kid related issue.

I am not a spontaneous person. Many people in my life can attest to this .. Haslynda for one and also my hubby. If we're going to blardy Sungei Buloh for example ... you'd better blardy tell me in advance so I can wear appropriate shoes and NOT tote my Coach bag to the god forsaken place. Funny thing is, as aware as these 2 people of my NON-spontaneity, I still get asked or made to do SPONTANEOUS related activities ... ie the stupid Sungei Buloh trek (yes, as you've figured it out .. I am still bitter over that) .. lol.

SO when I choose to take my girls to the beach or park or the zoo, you can bet that I am well prepared. I have drinks, extra clothes for the 2 young uns, snacks ... towels, insect repellant ... etc. I may LOOK like a slack parent ... but I just PROJECT that image ... I still like to be at least minimally prepared. That doesn't mean I lug around a big diaper bag when I go to town .. that's different - it's an air conditioned environment, drinks and snacks can be gotten anywhere and generally, you don't need insect repellant there at all. So anyway ... I was at my computer yesterday evening and my maid was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Suddenly, I hear the front door close and then SILENCE. I realized that my hubby had brought my 2 younger girls down .. presumably to the playground ... I thought for sure he'd just be there a half hour or so .. but NOOOOOOOOOOOO, turned out he decided to let them play for a good ONE HOUR AND A HALF. It's been a long time since he's taken them to the playground for a such a long time, and it just didn't occur to me that he had brought NOTHING with him.


No water bottles for the girls, no towels to dry their perspiration .. he didn't even change Emily into at least a pair of capris so her knees woudn't get skinned IF she fell ... the the worst thing is, he didn't bring Lauren to the loo before leaving the house ..


When the girls came back later, they were gulping down GALLONS of water .. they looked really tired and Lauren managed to tell me that at some point at the playground, she actually needed to go pee ... but she just held it till they got back ...

Later that nite, Lauren had a sore throat and Emily had a fever and then fell ill ...with some viral thing.

Of course, I blamed hubby for it.

I asked him WHY he didn't at least take their water bottles with him ... his rationale - when Lauren asked him, "Daddy, did you bring my water bottle? I'm thirsty" ... his response -- "If you're thirsty, then let's go home ... " .. he was going to use that as a ploy to get them to leave the playground .. he underestimated the LURE of the playground .. that kids being kids, they would rather die of thirst then go home to have a drink ..

SIGH. Like I said, men are from a different SOLAR SYSTEM ...

Nevermind, he's going back to work soon ... just a few days more. I CAN DO IT ....


Meekfreek said...

This is an hilarious post Sam...not because your girls got a sore throat but because your hubby thought that thirst would drive them back home! LOL!

kristalangel said...

ya la .... can u believe he actually thought it was a good plan and that it'd work? SIGH