Monday, August 29, 2011

And the selling actually begins ..

From the time I SAID I would start selling my stuff till about 3 days ago, I was kinda reluctant to let them go .. But it's still clutter and as of yesterday, I've sold the Fisher-Price Papasan chair and the Mothercare swinging crib. Oh yes, I sold off my Quinny Buzz too *sobs* I'm now left with the Cosatto Bath/Diaper changing station from Mothercare and the Graco swing. *sigh* will put both up for sale soon. Not like I'm going to have any more babies. Lol :p


Anonymous said...

Hi kristalangel,
I chanced upon your personal blog and the blog on your journey with your 5 girls. Enjoy reading your blog esp your love to your 5 girls..
I'm currently expecting my 4th gal and was wondering if you are selling your babies'clothes.. I gave mine away last year. If you are selling your babies' clothes 2nd hand, I would love to buy them from you..
thanks and have a great day.


kristalangel said...

Hi Betty! ..

thanks for stopping by!! Your 4th girl? AWESOME !!

Yes, I have tons of clothes from Charlotte .. I had given away most of Calista's stuff and had to buy new .. (lol .. I enjoyed the shopping) .. what kind of stuff are u looking for? email me at kristalangel(AT) :p