Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nostalgia ..

I get nostalgic looking at photos of my 2 years in the States .. from Sept 2002 to Oct 2004, hubby, myself and Claudia had the wonderful opportunity to live on an air force base in the States. It was AWESOME. Those 2 years went by so quickly! We managed to make roadtrips almost every other month initially, then after I got pregnant, we slowed down.

Anyway, we were at Suntec City last weekend and guess what we stumbled upon?

Yes!! .. My favourite place in the States to buy CHEAP shoes. Man, they did the place up EXACTLY as their stores in the States. I used to walk in often cos they had a store at the mall in town near where the air base was (it was a 25 minute drive .. ) and I was often in there whenever I was at the mall .. The shoes were cheap and of decent quality AND the best thing was, they had my size.

Yeap, I have BIG feet .. ok ok, I am generally big all around, but man, buying shoes here in my size .. which is a 10 .. is a real pain. Ok, admittedly it's now easier .. but still, I can't walk into Bata or any of the local shoe shops and expect to find shoes in my size. Even my flip flops are from Ipanema and cost me 40 bucks. *sigh* I saw them in my size at the sporting shop .. and grabbed them.

I've found some stores which stock shoes from Europe or the States .. they will have shoes and sandals in my size. Ok, I can probably find Crocs in my size .. but ugh. Not for me. I can't seem to find the material comfy. At all.

Anyway, back to Payless .. I walked in the store here and found 2 pairs I could wear .. and they were 40 bucks each .. and high-heeled too. Too high. I'm quite likely to fall and kill someone with my size and weight, wearing shoes like that. OR .. I could hit someone with my car wearing those shoes .. cos I cannot seem to drive with high heels .. lol !

I hope they bring in more of the bigger sizes soon .. and please let them have sandals or at least kitten heeled shoes.

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