Thursday, September 1, 2011

Liar, liar .. Pants on fire ..

Today, The Hubby was home till about 12. And yes, whaddaya know .. The girls were absolute angels. Not that they're devils on any other day .. But yes, there are days that I think I'm just gonna dump them all at home with my maid and go for a nice tea at Dempsey Dome BY MYSELF (with bb Charlotte - no choice must bring her) lol.

Those are the days when Calista is cranky and difficult and Emily and Lauren seem to be bickering about everything.

Man, that so wasn't today.

Today, they were angels. Calista didn't fuss and cry and refuse to bathe (she's been doing recently) and Lauren and Emily played nice .. and were promptly dressed for school nice and early.

Coincidentally, Charlotte napped at the right time .. So I could actually sit and have a nice lunch instead of holding her on my lap and just gobbling my food down in a rush. Then she woke up just as I was done and ate her cereal really quickly.

Man, the house was nice and quiet .. No tears, no crying, no yelling (that's me yelling at them when needed) ..

And so, once again, I looked like a liar to the Hubby. Lol !! eh, come on man .. them behaving perfectly like angels doesn't happen every single day. But of course, it did happen today and so that picture I had painted to my Hubby via SMS (yes, I send him SMS-es complaining about my life when there are bad days) looked totally untrue.

My bugger kids set me up. I know it !!

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