Monday, September 5, 2011

Spongebob on your sandwich, anyone?

The Hubby was saying that I'm forever complaining about him on my blog, Facebook etc. Lol :p that's so not true, ok?! Yes, the man drives me bonkers sometimes but whose hubby doesn't? Other than that, he's the best Hubby in the world (Are you reading this, u bugger man?!) This weekend, we were at Causeway Point mall having lunch at this Japanese restaurant and then we walked around the mall a bit. The mall has been undergoing extensive renovation and while they aren't totally done yet, it is shaping up to be quite a nice makeover I do admit. Really quite thrilled to have a nice spanking mall.

Anyway, we came across some kitchen appliances on sale. And The Hubby thought it would be nice for the girls to have this Spongebob Squarepants sandwich maker. Aww, isn't that sweet of the man? So he went ahead and got this for them. Mind u, we ALREADY have one of these things in the cupboard. A regular non-cartoon imprinting one so I was kinda surprised he wanted to get this one for them. Cos now it means we have TWO of the darn things in my kitchen. Lol :p

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