Monday, September 26, 2011

Sleepy Monday

Mondays are such a drag. From when I was a student, I've felt that way. It's the first day after the weekend and it's the first day of the rest of the week. Monday truly is the suckiest day of the week. Even when u send something for repair on a Thursday or Friday, they are likely to tell u that they can't get to it until Monday.

Mondays are a drag.

And now that I'm a mom. That hasn't changed. I'm the most tired on Mondays. My body is attuned to a 3 day weekend when it's only 2. Damn. So as I stare at Charlotte asleep in my arms now, I'm slowly dozing off myself. Lol. But damn, holding a baby in your arms sitting on the sofa and dozing off such gives me neck aches. Haha! And I can hear blardy Dora on tv as I drift off to catch a quick nap. Damn Dora.

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