gosh, that's OLD. My friend on Facebook was telling me that it's JUST A NUMBER. Yeah, right. No matter how old you look, your age is your age. Zoe Tay can try to LOOK young .. but man, that woman is past 40 and actually looks it now.
And so yes, I am 36 :( blardy hell. My maid, loyally said I didn't look 36 (yes, I know .. I PAY her money every month, so I am not stupid enough to believe her .. lol !) - nah, I am more than happy if people guess my age right rather than say I look older than that. People who guess younger often are people who can't really tell to begin with .. and they just take a stab in the dark. lol ! I have this friend who was telling me sometime ago that some of her younger friends said she looked to be in her 20s .. and I didn't have the heart to tell her that young people (her friends here were in their late teens - some kids she used to tutor) ... didn't KNOW HOW TO TELL AGE properly .. not that she didn't look YOUNG .. just that she looked her age lar, which is a year younger than I am. I did later hint to her that we all looked our age and that it was better than looking older, like 45 or more.
Anyway, to my horror .. I realized that I still like cutesy things even though I'm 36. Like what you ask? .... er, Hello Kitty is one of them. HAHAHAHAH!!
While I'm not INSANE enough to carry, say, a HK handbag around (heaven forbid) ... I'd be more than happy to have a HK coin purse (I have one already) or a HK pen .. something NOT obvious. I'd carry a HK bag .. but it would contain Calista's things .. so it would essentially be a baby bag .. which my maid would carry anyway.
My girls unfortunately, do not like Hello Kitty or Disney Princesses .. or even Strawberry Shortcake. I am now trying to rectify that sad situation. At least I get to buy the cutesy pink stuff for them if they like it .. !! They MUST like Hello Kitty. They HAVE TO. lol !!
Anyway, guess what I received on my birthday ? Yeap, these lovely, lovely flowers .. and no, they weren't from my dear husband.
They were delivered in the morning and so were waiting for me when we got back from church. I think they're gorgeous. I love flowers.
Thank you dear Lisa for your really thoughtful, extravagant gift. You are loved! :p
Blessed Birthday Samantha....you don't look 36 at all...! I, on the other hand, look like an auntie!
lol :p thanks, meekfreek.
NO U DON'T !!! :p you look GOOD, not aunty looking at all !!
;)))))) Hello Auntie! *Lisa doing the stupid auntie wave*
lol. Harlow Aunty Lisa!! *grin*
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