my new maid .. I shall refer to her as newbie from now has been with me a week already. Not really a week cos she had my maid helping her till Sunday.
When she came to me, she was supposed to have had 2 years experience in Saudi .. that turned out to be a lie (on the recruiter's part) cos she told me she was there only a year. I asked my maid to find out why she hadn't finished her contract there and my maid said she couldn't cope. Gee, how that reassures me of her commitment to her contract here with me .. lol.
And for some strange reason or another, we have no clue WHY she can't do anything if she had been in Saudi a year. My maid trained her for the few days before she left and I have to say, my maid did a superb job. Newbie can now cook the stuff we usually eat and she has a good grasp on what needs to be done everyday .. the daily routine; the chores, the housework the cooking. Just that right now, she seems to be rushing to cope. But she is improving everyday and I help her out where and when I can.
Of course her English is almost non-existent and Bahasa Indonesia is actually very different from the Malay language we use here so I have to talk to her slowly, clearly and use visual aids if needed.
Friends tell me to just change maids .. but u know what ? There is absolutely no guarantee I'll get anyone better. As for newbie .. she already knows what she has to do everyday and I have already told her to just work towards paying off her loan first .. then she can get her handphone, go on her offdays etc. Hopefully, that is incentive enough for her to continue learning and being diligent here. She isn't dumb or stubborn I find .. just a bit blur. But trainable.
I just find it difficult to hold a conversation with her while I'm driving etc cos I also find it difficult to understand some of what she says in Bahasa Indonesia. A far cry from my maid who did a 2 year stint in Brunei so she could talk in and understand Malay.
If anyone throws in the towel, it'll be newbie not me. LOL.
1 comment:
She sounds ok long as her attitude remains good and she continues to try and get her job done then she will improve. Good luck.
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