Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Germs are EVERYWHERE ...

and they cause you to fall sick .. I remember when I was in Clovis, NM with Claudia at a restaurant one day ... my girfriend was with us and Claudia refused to sit on the seat cos there was a small black spot on it. She was about 3.5 years old at the time and she asked me to clean it for her before she sat down. I had a hard time convincing her that it wasn't dirt but just a black mark on the chair. My friend with me at the time, laughed and blamed me for making Claudia so paranoid about dirt ... (I was a clean freak back in those days ... when I only had ONE child) ...

I was and still am paranoid about germs ... I insist that all of us when we come home from an outing etc, wash our feet and most definitely our hands too. Whenever the kids do something or want to eat something, I have made it a habit for them to remember to wash their hands thoroughly. When we're outside, wet wipes are used. They are almost constantly washing their hands ... and are constantly being reminded NOT to touch their face or put their fingers in their mouth, and you know what? I seriously believe it has helped in them NOT fallin ill so often AND when one of them does, about half of the time, it doesn't get passed around. I also disallow sharing of sippy cups and such because I know that Emily is too young to tell me if she has a sore throat and I do not want her passing her germs around to her sisters cos more kids being sick is a bigger pain. Claudia and Lauren have been told numerous times NOT to share food or drinks with their friends in school (cos you don't know if they're ill I tell them).

I often tell my maid that we should be shareholders in Pigeon .. since we use their wipes like it's free. Lol. Stanley used to think I was taking it too far and being paranoid, but he too has realized that it makes sense to be cautious since we have a couple of kids .. less kiddies fallin ill equal less pediatrician's bills .. lol. Besides, I have told him that wet wipes are cheaper than ONE trip to the pediatrician.

Those bloodsuckers.

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