Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My hubby has strange ideas on what passes for fun ...

Did I tell you that we went to the science centre on the first day of CNY to see the solar eclipse? Yup, uncle thought it would be educational for the kids instead of always ending up at the mall .. so there we were .. all 8 of us .. yes, EIGHT ... he dragged HIS poor non-English probably don't know and don't give a rat's ass about the eclipse 67 year old Teochew speaking mother along with us after the CNY lunch at the airport ... lol. Now, I went to school and did science in secondary school and pre-u, and I don't give a hoot about the solar eclipse ... what more HIS MOTHER??!!

True enough, she had absolutely no clue what an eclipse was ... I think hubby had problems even finding the Chinese words for "solar eclipse" ..

hahahahahah !!

So there we were at the blardy Science Centre with my MIL ... 4 kids, my maid (who also doesn't give a hoot about the eclipse) and it was a long long queue. I was really surprised. Mind you, it was the 1st day of the CNY .. the vast majority of the people in the queue were Chinese .. er, was I wrong or were they supposed to visit their parents on that first day of the New Year? .. lol.

The minute Calista started fussing .. I scuttled off with her to look for a bench to sit on and nurse her ... and then I immediatedly sms-ed my hubby and told him that I wasn't interested in the solar eclipse and that to come look for me once they were done.


1 comment:

Meekfreek said...

Your hubby has a Chinese Mum? Your hubby speaks Chinese? That's a good one for the 25 random things about me tag....have you been tagged? I shall tag you!