Sunday, February 22, 2009

hubby is away ...

and yes, when the man is away ... I miss him loads .. when he's here, I sometimes feel like strangling him.

lol. Such is love.

He's in the States right now for work .. he has been away for a week now. He'll be back on Monday. Hope he remembered to get my perfume and my Coach handbag. Oh yeah, the poor man was given a list of things to buy before he left.

I sure hope he didn't buy me a WHITE handbag. I don't understand WHY he keeps buying me WHITE handbags .. hasn't he noticed that I don't carry WHITE handbags? My friend says maybe that's because he thinks since you don't have WHITE handbags .. he should buy u some. huh. That actually makes sense .. lol. So this time, I specifically told him .. no WHITE handbags, no BLUE handbags, no GREEN handbags .. I'm ok with brown, black and red.

Yes, in case you're wondering, he has so far bought me TWO white handbags. I haven't used either one.

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