Thursday, September 29, 2011
Waiting ..
I was at the doctor's clinic yesterday waiting for him to review my blood pressure which has been on the high side. I walked in alone and was pleased to find the clinic empty of any other waiting patients. Yay for me!
After registering, I sat down and started fiddling w my iPhone. I could hear that there was someone in there with the doctor. No matter I thought - after all, I would be the next one in to see him. How long could this patient take? The minutes went by. I looked up from my iPhone and asked the nurse. Is he in there with a patient? Cos I was feeling a bit pissed by then. I could hear laughing and chatting happening from the office. Blardy hell. How cheerful could a really sick person be, dammit.
The clinic assistant at the counter looked at me and told me that it was a sales rep that was in there. I knew it. No sick and dying person could possible be THAT chirpy. And I've never heard my doctor so HAPPY. I was suspicious.
True enough, when Miss Sales Rep came out of his office 10 minutes later, I knew why I had to wait damn long for my turn. Blardy hell. She was tall and slim, wearing a pencil think black skirt with a chiffony blouse and high heels and her wavy brown hair was artfully piled on her head. She also had lots of makeup on.
Gee, men are such suckers. It didn't look as if she was a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company, man (which is what she was apparently) .. I can think of something else she'd be selling and it won't be medicine. And get your mind out out of the gutter. I was thinking perfume or makeup. Lol.
Anyway, when I walked into his office, stupid man was still beaming from ear to ear. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. He may be a qualified DOCTOR but he is still just a man. Aw come on, DUDE!! - I wanted to say - She wanted to make a sale, u nitwit. Why do u think she was so nice? .. Cos, unfortunately, my doctor isn't what I'd define as good looking. On. any. planet.
So I had to keep my cool btw .. Cos I was there for a blood pressure review. No point getting exasperated just cos I waited close to half hour for the silly silly man.
My reading was high but it seemed to have gone down from the week before so I'm back to monitoring ... No medication. He feels it may be a post natal thing.
Next time, I'm not waiting around for him - high blood pressure or not. I have better things to do.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tech issues
That is of course until 2 nights ago. Man, I felt like strangling the darn thing. And before, like just a couple of years back, this would have intrigued me enough to want to solve the problem myself - I'd stay up all night just to figure it out and fix it - now, I can't be bothered. I got frustrated, shut it down and promptly started surfing on my trusty iPhone.
Man, gotta love the iPhone. My iPhone 3GS has been working perfectly from Day 1.
*sigh* stupid PC.
Anyway, the Hubby thought he had fixed it yesterday but he was sadly mistaken methinks. The problem started up again today.
And now here I am once again on my lovely iPhone. I swear I'm gonna kick my PC soon.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sleepy Monday
Mondays are a drag.
And now that I'm a mom. That hasn't changed. I'm the most tired on Mondays. My body is attuned to a 3 day weekend when it's only 2. Damn. So as I stare at Charlotte asleep in my arms now, I'm slowly dozing off myself. Lol. But damn, holding a baby in your arms sitting on the sofa and dozing off such gives me neck aches. Haha! And I can hear blardy Dora on tv as I drift off to catch a quick nap. Damn Dora.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I bought it just before I had Charlotte and now that she can sit up and even pull herself up to stand, it was time to let it go. Sold it off at a decent price too. Much better than leaving it around the house till it looks just too shabby to sell or even give away.
I've been taking really good care of it and it looks excellent. No defects at all. And it's wiped down regularly too. So glad I sold it off easily.
I'll wait till Charlotte is a year old to sell of my infant car seat - the Maxi Cosi Cabriofix :)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Insomnia ..
In any case, I also needed to get my blood pressure checked so off I went to my doc. He gave me meds to help w the headache and told me it was either stress or tiredness that caused it. Nothing to do with blood pressure. Oh well ..
That's not to say my blood pressure was and is ok. It's not. My mother and grandmother both have high blood pressure. And I had an elevated blood pressure for my last 3 pregnancies so my doc had previously told me that it's likely I will develop high blood pressure somewhere along the way .. And I am 37 (going on to 38 this Dec)
So I'm been monitoring my bp with my home bp monitor. Handy thing it is. He told me to moderate my consumption of salt which isn't so much of a problem for us since we don't add salt to our food at home AT ALL. I haven't been using salt for years. Once in a very very long while IF the dish is really tasteless .. But usually, no. No salt, no pepper and no msg added. And we refrain from deep frying. Usually, I opt for soups. And we have fish at least once a week. And fruits everyday. Of course, my lifestyle while hectic, is rather sedentary .. I don't exercise like I should ..
I'm fine if I have to take high bp pills btw. I'd rather that than get a stroke and die. I want to be around for my girls :)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Spongebob on your sandwich, anyone?
Anyway, we came across some kitchen appliances on sale. And The Hubby thought it would be nice for the girls to have this Spongebob Squarepants sandwich maker. Aww, isn't that sweet of the man? So he went ahead and got this for them. Mind u, we ALREADY have one of these things in the cupboard. A regular non-cartoon imprinting one so I was kinda surprised he wanted to get this one for them. Cos now it means we have TWO of the darn things in my kitchen. Lol :p
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Liar, liar .. Pants on fire ..
Those are the days when Calista is cranky and difficult and Emily and Lauren seem to be bickering about everything.
Man, that so wasn't today.
Today, they were angels. Calista didn't fuss and cry and refuse to bathe (she's been doing recently) and Lauren and Emily played nice .. and were promptly dressed for school nice and early.
Coincidentally, Charlotte napped at the right time .. So I could actually sit and have a nice lunch instead of holding her on my lap and just gobbling my food down in a rush. Then she woke up just as I was done and ate her cereal really quickly.
Man, the house was nice and quiet .. No tears, no crying, no yelling (that's me yelling at them when needed) ..
And so, once again, I looked like a liar to the Hubby. Lol !! eh, come on man .. them behaving perfectly like angels doesn't happen every single day. But of course, it did happen today and so that picture I had painted to my Hubby via SMS (yes, I send him SMS-es complaining about my life when there are bad days) looked totally untrue.
My bugger kids set me up. I know it !!