Was out with my girls today for a doctor's appointment at KK Women and Children's Hospital - Calista's pediatrician does her clinic hours there. The car park was really full. It was awful just looking for a lot.
And u know how some people just have good luck? .. They drive into the carpark and miraculously, some other driver is vacating his lot just at that moment and moreover, the parking lot is located just at the the lift lobby? That's not me. And how some people, they just have to wait around or drive around for a really short time and they find a empty lot within minutes? ... Also not me.
I have no luck when it comes to parking lots. NONE. I usually make a point NOT to go into a mall carpark during peak hours cos I know I will be driving around forever...
YES, forever. I kid u not.
I have tried all the strategies known to man. Really I have. I have tried driving around, waiting at a specific spot and also stalking people who look like they're going to their car to drive off, and STILL it doesn't work for me.
I was in the KKH carpark looking desperately for a lot for half an hour. Actually, it was slightly longer but I told my hubby that it was half an hour.
I almost drove off back home. If not for the appointment, I would've. And it's not easy when u have 3 young kids in the car who have no understanding of the frustration u are experiencing trying to find that blardy elusive empty parking lot. NONE.
Ranging from crying to whining, to endless questions of whether this was Aunty Lisa's carpark ... and when was lunch and how come I wasn't parking the car already? (this was the best question) .. I think I nearly had a mental breakdown in my Odyssey earlier. It's damn funny now but then it was not. hahaha!!
I finally found a lot and heaved a big sigh of relief when I got everyone to the clinic. Of course, we were already super late for our appt.
Btw, before u mention that KKH does have valet parking .. yes they do and I would've used them .. but then it was so crowded at that time that they were parking cars along the driveway where the lobbies were making it extremely narrow for OTHER CARS moving along .. I had to gingerly drive my Odyssey thru the narrow passage thanks to them parking the vehicles there .. I definitely did not want them to park my car there only to get it accidentally scratched by a passing car. No way. My car may not be a Mercedes .. but I'd hate to see a long scratch on the side. It would bug me no end.
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