Friday, July 8, 2011


Oops, I initially posted this in my other blog .. Here it is  

Well, a bit of an update here. So far, my Quinny Buzz has been sold to a really nice couple for $300. Her husband came to pick it up. Very nice and friendly. Showed him how the stroller works etc. While I'm sad to see my stroller go, I'm glad I sold it of at a good price to someone nice !! Hope u guys enjoy using it. 

My Fisher-price infant seat is on reserve and the swing has had a few inquiries. Let me know if you're interested. I also have tons of newborn girl stuff. Am wondering what to do with it. Must look through and sort it out soon. 

Cos my stuff came today - I need the space!! Lol! Yes, my recent spate of late night online shopping stuff.

Sent from Sam's iPhone :p

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