Thursday, August 6, 2009

In a place called "Vertigo" ....

no not the U2 song ...

I have vertigo for real ... darn it .. and my docs tells me that I seem prone to it and it will probably come on and off all my life.

I can't believe my luck.

Of all the things to be afflicted with, it had to be this one. I absolutely hate the feeling of being dizzy ... Wikipedia defines it as such ... Vertigo (from the Latin vertigin-, vertigo, "dizziness," originally "a whirling or spinning movement," from vertō "I turn"[1]) is a specific type of dizziness, a major symptom of a balance disorder. It is the sensation of spinning or swaying while the body is actually stationary with respect to the surroundings. My vertigo is not due to a bacterial infection BUT a problem in the inner ear balance mechanisms (vestibular system) says my doc.

I first had it in March this year .. that was a bad episode ... I threw up a couple of times ... it went away and then came back 2 weeks ago .. I was finally on the mend then it came back again a few days back.


I can't swivel my head fast .. I can't look up and down suddenly .. and I have to lie down slowly ... it's killing me man.

Before you ask how I drive my Odyssey with this, well ..

Driving is not a problem cos I pretty much am looking straight ahead most of the time ... I just flick my eyes over to the side mirrors and turn my head slightly to check my blindspots so it's actually quite bearable.

Everything else is not. I was giving Calista her bath and had to pick her up from the bath tub .. I nearly toppled as I looked down and then tried to look up after picking her up.


I am not on any medication currently as I am breastfeeding .. my doc urged me to stop temporarily and take the meds but Calista isn't trained to drink formula from a bottle so I'd rather not. So now I suffer ... the doc told me that without medication, it'll take longer for it to get better.


Meekfreek said...

Wow Sam....that's not good. Is your doc an ENT specialist? Anything that can be done to improve the situation?

I have a friend who has blackouts from time to time on the plane. Last time it happened he crawled his way to the toilet whilst the stewardesses stepped over him. Not that it's the same thing but it made me think of that...

kristalangel said...

hahaha .. oh dear. your poor fren!!

No, I just saw my regular GP .. he says nothing can be done .. so it didn't occur to me to see a specialist. hmmmmmm.