ok, so I don't have a picture of me actually vomitting blood, but trust me, I felt like it today .. why, u ask? ... I made the dire mistake of going grocery shopping with hubby .. not the quick run to the NTUC nearby type of shopping trip ... but the major once a month grocery run to Carrefour at Suntec City mall.
Firstly, we left the house rather late after lunch ... then as we were travelling on the SLE, there was a massive jam .. turned out an accident JUST occurred .. it was quite tragic actually - a motorcyclist was killed .. (yes, we saw the body) .. So we arrived at Carrefour a little before 4pm .. not really near closing time BUT Claudia had a ballet class at 5.30pm .. so we basically had just an hour to shop for everything.
And that was the problem ...
Hubby thinks I should have a list .. so that we don't "wander aimlessly" in the hypermart ... as he puts it ...
HUH *me snorting*
I told him that I have to go through almost every aisle anyway .. so list or not, I know what I need to buy ... I don't need a list .. I buy almost the same things every month anyway!
So there he was ... rushing us though the place .. I hate being rushed .. I tend to forget things when I am rushed ...
blardy man.
So ... as we left the carpark a little past 5pm, uncle was complaining cos we had to pay per hour parking PLUS the per entry charge (cos we went past 5pm) .. for just that short ONE hour that we parked ... he was saying that I should've have listened to him and rushed through my shopping etc etc ...
I pointed out to him that we had been delayed by the jam on the SLE .. and that we were late to begin with .. and that I had told him to just turn back and go back and leave the shopping for another day ... but of course uncle didn't want to hear it.
Anyway, that is the last time we bring him along to Carrefour ..
Actually, I wanted to wait till he went back to work on Tuesday but we were running low on groceries and other items that I had no choice but to bring him along ..
I've already told him once that if he's going to NOT be of any help .. then it's better he not be there at all ..
I also told him in the car that I think it's time he goes back to wotk ..
I'm not one of those wives that can tahan their hubbies being home for long stretches of time ..
PLEASE, go to work. As long as I have the maid at home, I am a happy chicky .. that and the car .. and my computer and internet access .. and money of course ...
Hubby being at home is a not essential .. well, not ALL the time .. I'd go bonkers.
Anyway, I spent a bomb at Carrefour ... $822. No snacks, no tidbits .. no extras .. all essentials like rice and soap and diapers and formula.
ahhh the hefty price of a big family .. that doesn't even include the amt I spend on meat, veggies and bread and other things I buy on a weekly basis .. I calculated that for that I spend another $600 per month.