See my car? It's in my favourite carpark lot ... why is it my favourite car park lot u ask ? ... Well, it's right next to this door ....

Which leads to this short staircase ...

Which leads straight to my lift lobby ... (and this short walkway is sheltered too) .. !!

And there ... my lift lobby ...
Plus it's a SINGLE lot ... no cars next to me .. so no chance of car doors hitting mine .. etc etc ...

Now this is my arch enemy .. this blardy white Odyssey ... every damn day, we compete for the said lot .. as u can see, this day the pic is taken, Uncle LOST the lot to me ... HAHAHAHAAH!
That isn't always the case of course ... some days when I go out and come back at 5 plus .. I enter the carpark entrance and SWEAR loudly cos he is parked in my lot ... I call it my lot .. cos it's mine lor.
Yeah, so the lot that he is in is also right next to the "exit" door .. what's the big diff? .. Well, it's not a SINGLE lot .. hahahahah ... so yes, he and I are cordial to each other .. we wave and smile and even exchange pleasantries in the lift (he stays in my block of course) ... but every blardy day .. it's a fight to the death for that SINGLE lot ..
You'd think that since I'm a HOUSEWIFE, I'm sure to get the lot everyday but nooooooooo, I have to chauffeur my girls up and down leaving my beloved lot EMPTY and open for the taking .. and dunno what kind of job uncle does, he always seems to be able to get home from work so blardy early it's damn irritating ... I can make a grocery run to nearby Causeway Point for barely an hour .. get home at 5 and my lot has been stolen by him.
Hubby says I'm too free ... but eh, it's not just in my head lor .. the competition is real ..
Recently, to my absolute horror, I've found other damn residents also vying for this coveted lot ... DAMN THEM ALL TO HELL.
Gosh Sam....that's uhhh...interesting. That other spot in the pic with the white car is also ok what...no one parked beside him either right! Isn't there a nicely placed handicapped lot somewhere around there? If there are no handicapped people in your condo you could park there....those lots are huge!
no, it's always full house in this corner of the basement 1 carpark cos it's right tot he staircase leading up to the lift lobby so people living in my end of the block ALWAYS park here ...
so where the Odyssey is parked .. the lor next to him is never empty .. I just snapped the photo early in the day.
No, the handicapped lots are all on the 1st floor level carpark .. they can't go up stairs mah ... lol :)
Oh yeh huh...how to get the wheelchair up the stairs!
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