he's plain lousy at buying me gifts .. I've known the man for many many years .. like almost 18 years now .. and out of that, we dated that 7 and been married for almost 11 years .. and let me say, he's given me some strange gifts ..
The worst was a LASER POINTER ..
Yes, you read that right .. a laser pointer .. u know, those things you use when you're giving a presentation in the office .. or you're trying to blind someone you don't like ...
I neither work in an office nor do I need to give ANY type of presentations to ANYONE .. whether I like them or not .. SIGH.
This was years ago btw .. he had come back from a detachment from Indonesia .. some rural area .. and had chanced upon the laser pointers in some shop .. granted the thing was quite nice and came in a nice leather pouch thingy .. BUT STILL ..
When he presented it to me, he actually thought I would be thrilled with the gift, the poor poor delusional man ..
LOL. I tried really hard to look happy with it ... (this was very early on in our marriage .. ) .. but chucked it into my pencil case and never used it .. (yeah, like when am I, the happy housewife, supposed to get a chance to use a LASER POINTER?)
Since then .. other gifts not really of any use to me include a WHITE Toscano tote bag and also a WHITE Coach handbag .. I was telling my friend that I NEVER carry white handbags .. and wondered how come hubby didn't realize it .. she said maybe that's why he keeps gettin me WHITE handbags .. he figures since I don't seem to have any ..
Well, duh .. she may be right about that!!!
Anyway, nowadays .. I just tell him NOT to get me anything when he's overseas ..
LOL. Can u blame me??!!
Recently, upon returning from his trip to Darwin .. he got me a Billabong tote bag .. the trimming is pink .. but the handbag was made to look like it's straw .. my friend commented that it's not something she's used to seeing me carry ie it's not my style .. plus she said .. "it's not branded, Sam .. since when do YOU carry non-branded bags?!" ...
Eh, that's not true, ok? .. it just so happens that I have a lot of Coach bags and some other brands .. totally unintentional ... of course, I'd die if I had to carry a Perlini or Poccilli bag.
HAHAHAHA ... I carried it for a week .. then went back to my Gucci tote ..
Poor man.