Honestly, I've always detested being tall. Yea, so I'm not THAT tall .. I'm 1.73m .. BUT STILL.
The way I see it, all being tall is only good for ... trying to reach high shelves .. big deal. I am perfectly fine asking someone to get it for me.
So why do I dislike being tall? For one thing, it's hard to blend in anywhere. And I'm big as well, so that's a double whammy .. I am prominent. Not a good thing to be, in my opinion. Not like I look like Maggie Q, damn it.
The other thing is .. the people around me are mostly shorter and smaller than I am .. men included. I sometimes feel like I'm in Liliput or I'm an ogre. It's not so bad now that I'm older .. I don't feel as self conscious as I did when I was a teenager. I'm old enough now to not really give a crap most times. Of course, when we are in an enclosed area .. like the lift, man, I hate it.Tiny, short and scrawny people are everywhere here.
Short is good .. short and petite is better. Even if you're short and on the plump side, it's still better than being tall and broad. I have zero hopes that my girls will be short. They're already mostly taller than their friends of the same age.
An acquaintance of mine was telling me sometime ago that her husband told her that he admired me cos I was independent and capable. I snorted when she said that. Of course, I have to be independent and capable .. trust me, only short petite cute women can get away with acting helpless and needy. And they can also get away with what we call "acting cute" .. ie acting all girly and whiny. It is not a good look for someone tall and big. And I have no desire to try. Granted, I hate that my husband thinks I am totally capable and independent so much so that he doesn't think I require any kind of coddling at all .. it really annoys me sometimes. Even when I'm sick, I usually just shut it and soldier on. I don't have it in me to be all helpless and useless. No matter how much I want to.
Damn my Dad's genes. My mom is short .. why in hell didn't I inherit those genes from her? lol.
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