Saturday, November 24, 2012

Have I blogged about this yet?

Ok, I like handbags as much as the next woman. And man, how is it the ones I like end up being the expensive ones as well? Why can't I like that Perlini (I think that's the brand name - they sell it in Metro) bag instead of the lovely red leather shopping tote from Prada? Why?

I did try once to buy a no brand name bag .. I carried it around like once then chucked it aside ..

My bestie says I am snooty about brands. I am most certainly not. I usually carry Coach bags which hardly qualifies as an upmarket brand .. Hahaha. The Hubby travels up to the States a few times a year so I get him to buy a bag or 2 for me while he's there. I provide PICTURES of course. I shudder to think what he'll buy me if he doesn't have pictorial examples. Lol.

And I can't ask him to buy some other brand. The man is against spending thousands on a handbag. Damn.

Here is the bag I am currently drooling over. And it's red leather. *sigh* - The Prada Vitello Daino Shopping Tote.

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