Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why oh why ..

I just don't seem to have any luck with hairstylists. I swear.

I have a wonderful nail place I go to. Cheap and good. And they don't try to chat me up. And they speak in sing song Vietnamese. And their tv is switched onto channel 5. Yay. And it's a big ass tv .. Double yay!

But hair place? Oh just SHOOT me, will ya? I cannot seem to find a decent hairstylist that doesn't piss me off or do my hair right ..

What. The. Hell.

The latest fiasco is my hair color. He colored it a shade too dark I feel. I hate that. It looks weird. Too dark. Yes, I have tons of white hair but my natural hair colour isn't THAT dark so it kinda looks harsh against my skin colouring.

Damn. It. To. Hell.

I am this close to completely giving up on ever finding a decent hair stylist. One that doesn't cost the sun and the moon but still does a good job.

Frankly speaking, my hair now reminds me of that chick in The Ring, Sadako.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Just look at it.

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