A recent incident that happened with The Hubby and me is one good example. The corridor leading to my front door - I have a wooden bench there. Initially, I put it there so that the kids could sit and put on their shoes before going out. But as time wore on, the bench was used to put things on. The girls' school bags, files, The Hubby's laptop bag and his helmet. Much to my annoyance. Cos while the bench was nice and empty in the mornings when everyone was out, in the evenings and during the weekend, it was just a big mess. And of course I was the one bothered by it. And the maid too of course. I complained to her and decided that it would be a good idea to have a cabinet there to store all the stuff and then still have the bench there for it's original purpose.
I brought up the topic with The Hubby. The annoying man was adamant that there be no cabinet of any kind there. No logical reason. Just that it won't look nice. I tried patiently to explain that it would be functional and practical to have a cabinet there so that things could be hidden away neatly. But no, the man could not be reasoned with.
I was prepared for that answer. It's not something new. It's frustrating. I will never in my life understand men. Never.
I waited a few months then when I absolutely couldn't bear the mess anymore, I walked into Vhive furniture and bought a cabinet. Cost me all of S$189.05. An absolute bargain for peace of mind. My peace of mind. Here is what it looks like in my corridor.

And here it is with the girls school bags and other assorted school related stuff in it - like art bags etc.

The Hubby was of course unhappy when I told him I had gone ahead and bought a cabinet. Tough for him. I am so happy with my purchase. The corridor now looks so neat and tidy cos everything is not just laying on the wooden bench. And the bench is now available for sitting on to put on shoes!
- Posted using BlogPress from my cool iPhone :p
1 comment:
hahaha you've just given me a very good idea for my entrance too! I've the same problem as you. Now the nice little table and bench are stuff with newspaper and everything that you can't find a place to stuff landed there. That is a nice cabinet and it look so cool with the kiddy bags all hidden nicely in it too! My project for this weekend ! hahaha
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