This is what happens when you rely on an iPhone app to track ovulation to PREVENT pregnancy. The app can be wrong (especially if u refuse to fork out US$0.99 for the deluxe version) and you end up pregnant with your 5th child.
Yes, folks I am about 14 weeks along and that is my scan this week.
Lol ;p
No one will really understand the excited horror I felt when the 2nd blue line appeared on the test stick. It was kinda surreal and I felt faint. I tried to let out a cry of horror but failed. I tried to cry but failed - cos I can't cry on demand (lol). Now I know how an unwed young teenager feels upon testing and seeing the 2 lines on the test stick.
But yes, although we didn't plan for a 5th child, we are happy nonetheless. At the end of the day, children are a gift from God and we've been very blessed so far with 4 perfectly healthy girls who are an absolute joy in our lives.
My due date is the 22nd of Jan 2011. And this time, it's ligation for sure.
- Posted using BlogPress from my cool iPhone :p
The picture is so cute, I think baby #5 is sucking his/her thumb!!!
the picture is grat
thanks! ..
It may be the 5th time for me but I was still super excited and in absolute awe seeing the baby move and wave its arms and legs around on the screen.
OMG! Awesome! Congrats Sam! Looks like a boy! heheh!
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