Friday, July 23, 2010

iPhone app gone wrong

This is what happens when you rely on an iPhone app to track ovulation to PREVENT pregnancy. The app can be wrong (especially if u refuse to fork out US$0.99 for the deluxe version) and you end up pregnant with your 5th child.

Yes, folks I am about 14 weeks along and that is my scan this week.

Lol ;p

No one will really understand the excited horror I felt when the 2nd blue line appeared on the test stick. It was kinda surreal and I felt faint. I tried to let out a cry of horror but failed. I tried to cry but failed - cos I can't cry on demand (lol). Now I know how an unwed young teenager feels upon testing and seeing the 2 lines on the test stick.

But yes, although we didn't plan for a 5th child, we are happy nonetheless. At the end of the day, children are a gift from God and we've been very blessed so far with 4 perfectly healthy girls who are an absolute joy in our lives.

My due date is the 22nd of Jan 2011. And this time, it's ligation for sure.

- Posted using BlogPress from my cool iPhone :p


Goody said...


Luthadel said...

The picture is so cute, I think baby #5 is sucking his/her thumb!!!

Chiiniita said...

the picture is grat

kristalangel said...

thanks! ..

It may be the 5th time for me but I was still super excited and in absolute awe seeing the baby move and wave its arms and legs around on the screen.


Meekfreek said...

OMG! Awesome! Congrats Sam! Looks like a boy! heheh!