It started with Stanley .. he was sooooo used to asking Khalimah (my previous maid) where anything and everything was in the house, that he took for granted that newbie would be the same too .. when Khalimah first arrived at my home, one of the first things she did was to recognize what went where in the cupboards and even rearranged most of the stuff in them to maximise space and to also make it neater. So basically, she more or less, KNEW where most things were.
Stanley would just have to ASK her ONE time and she'd know where it was ... or if she forgot, she'd have a rough idea WHERE to look for it.
Newbie .. well, that's just it .. she's newbie .. and she's blur-ie, and when he asked her a couple of times whether she'd seen this or that .. he'd get the answer
hahahahahah !! It's fine and dandy hearing that once in a while .. but everytime he asked her where something was or whether she'd even SEEN it on the table/shelf etc ... her answer would be that.
And said with a smile too !! ..
It just KILLED him. He was soooo annoyed with her, he'd complain to me no end about how useless she was.
hahahahahah! ... I gave him a very simple solution. I told him to quit asking her anything. Or at least stop asking her where things were. I told him she had no clue. He'd probably be better off asking Emily where it was. HAHAHAHA !!
Anyway, I never ask where anything was if I wanted to find it. I just go looking for it myself. Or if I ask, I'm already mentally prepared to hear that standard answer from her. When I ask, it's more rhetorical than anything.
And the worst thing is, she doesn't help u to look for it. Khalimah would. She would try to remember the last time she saw it and search for it there.
Newbie doesn't have initiative. At all.
Anyway, I've been looking for my Canon camera charger for days. I usually keep it in my study drawer .. but must've put them somewhere else this time when I was rushing off somewhere. The problem is trying to recall WHERE that somewhere is .. so I spent a half hour today hunting around for it. It was at the tip of my tongue to ask newbie if she had seen it at all while cleaning up. But the thought of hearing those 3 words from her stopped me in my tracks.
I'll take my chances looking for the damn thing on my own.