Friday, June 28, 2013

What's in my e-reader ..

I guard my Kindle with my life. I don't let friends peek into it. Why? Because as I told my bestie .. I don't want people  judging me based on what I choose to read.


Yes, my Kindle is filled with romance novels .. eh, I don't read it for THAT, ok?!! I have plenty of that without having to read about it in a book (LOL) .. but yes, I hate it when people have that expression on their  face when they find out what I'm reading ..

Why do I read romance novels you ask? I like reading love stories .. the falling in love, the happily ever after, the joy and the high - it's sweet what. Whether it's contemporary romance, historical .. or  paranormal (like werewolves and vampires) .. I think love stories are all sweet.

Of course, my bestie rolls her eyes at my choice of reading material .. lol. Like I give a hoot .. I ain't reading things I'm not interested in just to look learned and special .. hahahaha. My bestie has been my friend since we were 14 so she KNOWS I'm decently intelligent and that my choice of reading material does not reflect said decent level of  intelligence. I read romance novels to be entertained  .. kinda like how I'm not too keen on watching Academy award winning movies .. hell, I'd be happy to watch "Bad Boys 2" for the 42nd time than watch "The English Patient" *shudder* Ok, I LOVE "The Hurt Locker" but that's partly because my darling Jeremy Renner is in it *I love you, Jeremy!!!*

So, as my friend .. please don't be upset if I say .. "No, you can't peek into my Kindle .." when you ask me .. It's not the same as looking at someone's iPad .. when you switch on my Kindle .. the first thing you see is my carousel and the most recent books I've opened .. and you know what kind of covers these romance novels have sometimes .. hahah.

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