Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Conspiracy

What conspiracy? The one where the moment your hubby leaves on a trip out of the country, one of the light bulbs in your bathroom starts doing the flickering aka disco aka haunted room w "faulty" light thing.

Damn. It. To. Hell.

And not like it's easy to replace. Although I've watched the man removed the cover .. Ok, scratch that .. That's a lie .. Although I've pretended to watch the man remove the cover, take out the non-usable bulb and replace it .. Truth it, in that million and one times he's done it, I wasn't paying any attention at all.

Why should I? He's around to do it. I just have to casually mention it, and my ever efficient handy husband will get a new bulb and it will be replaced in no time.

Of course, he makes me stand there and help him and presumably he wants me to learn how to do it in case, God forbid, he dies and then I'll really have to do it on my own.

I like to live on the edge. Let's just call it that. If I ever have to fend for myself in this world, my Contact List on my iPhone will certainly contain numbers to every possible person I'll need to get by in life .. A fella to fix my toilet, change bulbs, drill holes in the wall, assemble furniture .. U get the idea.

That or I'll have to finally learn how to do it. Whichever. Until such a time comes (hope it doesn't ever) .. My darling Hubby will always be here to replace that flickering bulb in our master bedroom bathroom.

Now, I just have to put up with the flickering for the next 5 nights. That's not too long. I can do it ! How bad can the flickering get, right ??!

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