Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Should I lose weight? Nah ...

Lauren had her very first Sports Day in school last week. And she requested that I be there to my horror. Well, u know me, it's not that I don't love and support my child, but can I not do that under the sun perspiring? The day they hold the Sports Day in an air conditioned hall with nice plush seats .. Ah, that WILL be the day I will be right there being all loving and supportive of my child running or whatever it is they're supposed to do. Yes, I am the model parent .. I know.

So as the day came closer, I had asked Lauren on a few separate occasions whether I really needed to attend the event. And she kept insisting that I be there. DARN.

I read the stupid invite they had sent back with the kids and was slightly mollified to read that it would be held in the school hall. Ok, so it's NOT air conditioned, but at least I won't have to slather on sun block had it been on the field somewhere.

It was a Sports Day for the lower primary students so only a few classes were involved - the first 3 levels. And they all did variations of the same thing. Some hop and skip run thing. They were in teams.

I was there with Charlotte (in her sling) as well Emily and Calista. I knew they'd want to see Lauren participating.

Of course the event was as expected, not very exciting. I had parked my Odyssey illegally in front of the school, so when Lauren's race ended, we rushed off.

Lauren came home much later and her team had apparently won first place overall. Lol. Oh well - I was there for the race, ok?! It was the prize giving that I had missed. Haha!

Anyway, Lauren came to tell me that 2 of her classmates had told her that her mummy was fat and she had complained about it to her teacher. I laughed and asked her WHY she did that. I told her that it's ok - I know I'm erm, not skinny. Lol!

I told the Hubby and he said I should lose weight cos I'm shaming the kids.



Goody said...

what?! hahahahaaa!!!
she's so sweet to complain :)

Aurorin said...

I cant believe ur hubby said that! I would have plummet mine with a pillow (or a wok)!! :D But you are fine just the way you right.. :))

kristalangel said...


no lar. He was kidding .. the man KNEW I would hoot with laughter if he said that .. he's actually really sweet .. all these years and he's never once asked me to lose weight for him. lol.


pai se man, she complain to the teacher. lol