Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Parking Woes ...

I enjoy driving. Even in jams or slow traffic .. I don't really get stressed or agitated with other drivers. In fact, I take great glee in purposely driving other maniacal drivers insane by blocking them and slowing down .. lol !! .. All done safely lar .. :)

So hubby has decided that he is sick and tired of driving .. and he can finally sit back and enjoy the ride ... NOT!

On top of er, instructing me how to drive *me rolling my eyes here* .. he has now taken to jumping out of the car and trying to direct me when parking.

Yes, the man has fallen off his rocker. My wonderful Odyssey though it is sizable is not really huge as compared to my Dodge Grand Caravan (mine was white in colour though) back in the States in 2002. It was 3.3 litres and there was no need to even fold down the middle row to access the 3rd row of seats. And I didn't even have any kind of reverse sensors or rear cameras in that vehicle. In my Odyssey, I have a rear camera .. AND reverse sensors - every lazy person's dream for parking. There is no need to even open your car door to check distance from the wall to your bumper. And btw, before u wonder whether I am one of those drivers that take forever to park ... going in and out of the lot adjusting this and that .. I AM NOT. I park relatively fast and my vehicle is STRAIGHT.


And still the man has taken to quickly getting out the car and then comes the hand signals .. and waving ... which doesn't help cos I get IRRITATED. We were at Shaw Centre on Sunday cos hubby wanted to go to the Apple shop and as we were rather early into the carpark ... I managed to find one of the parallel single lots ... let me tell you that these lots are huge .. as Claudia would say ... "easy peasey" to parallel park in ... but no, the man scrambles out and starts marshalling me.


Same thing happened when we wanted to leave the lot a few hours later. I grumbled that I had been driving for YEARS so what was his problem .. blah blah ... and the man came up with some crock of bull about Crew Resource Management and how I was the driver and he was the vehicle commander (some thing they have in the army apparently) and it was his job to ensure nothing happens to the vehicle. BLAH BLAH BLAH .....

EH, whatever man .. I wasn't the one who backed into a pillar at Vivocity RIGHT AFTER THE BUMPER WAS REPLACED --- this was our Stream years ago .. bumper was replaced cos we were involved in a chain collision (also not ME driving) .. and that weekend we had gone to Vivo for shopping and uncle backed into a pillar crushing the SPANKING NEW, JUST REPLACED BUMPER. Granted the pillar happened to be totally white and was the only one not marked with a strip to give drivers a heads up when backing up ... but that is not the point.

So everytime I was backing the car up .. I could SEE his upper body and face in my mirror .. and his legs and feet in my rear camera .. HALLO ... then I don't need him to be there behind my car now do I ??!! I was tempted to just step on the accelerator and at least HIT him abit - cause him some blardy PAIN .. but then he knows I won't ... not so much for LOVE .. but more of his "goose and the golden egg" theory .. :p

He is pretty much right though. LOL !! ..

I told him that he should wear one of those sleep masks (the ones that cover the eyes so u can sleep in darkness) whenever he's in the car with me .. lol !! .. and ear plugs too so he cannot hear or see anything and hence cannot COMMENT and INSTRUCT.



maryann koh said...

that's hilarious woman! in my family, it's the opposite, i am that annoying back seat drive to my husband's driving kekekeke :D

Pursueing Happiness said...

That sounds like my husband! He has this mental thing that if he rides in the passenger seat while I drive it de-masculinates him. MEN!!!