Friday, November 11, 2011

Without fail ..

Every year, around this time, I miss the States. A lot. Not that I lived there half of my life. I didn't. Just a mere 2 years. But man, let me tell you, it was more than enough to make you feel really claustrophobic about living here in Singapore. The crowds, the hot weather, the close quarters everyone is forced to endure just about everywhere. It really gets very trying after a while.

And it's not a case of the the grass being greener on the other side. Cos the grass is greener there. Literally and figuratively. And the weather sure as hell IS better over there. That is the other thing I miss most - living with the 4 seasons. Here it's either hot and sunny. Or hot and rainy. And humid either way. Very humid.

I actually used to sit outside my house doing gardening while Claudia would run and up or cycle or just dig the soil alongside me. Good times. I remember being so thrilled to see my first sunflower grow and bloom right outside my kitchen windows.

Anyway, I just wanted to blog that today. That I miss living in the States.


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