Sunday, June 19, 2011

Late nights

If you know me personally, you'd know I am a night owl. Always have been. Since I was a teen. Can't get to bed before midnight and of course as I get older, I'm blardy getting to bed later and later. Right now, I'm averaging about 3 am most nights, or should I say, mornings. And what do I do with my time? Well, either I'm watching cable tv or surfing the net or both. And the worst thing I can do online late in the night is surf porn.

Hahahaha, of course NOT! Che. I am the last person on this earth to surf porn websites. Not cos I'm such a prude. It's because I think porn is a waste of brain cells and precious time.

So, back to the worst thing I can do online.


Man, it's like going to the mall in your PJs. Seriously. And the stores are never closed (unless the website is down for maintenance) .. and the variety of things u can buy .. It's mind boggling. And there are no crowds to contend with, no queues at the cashier. And all done from the comfort of my bedroom. Awesome.

All I need is my laptop, internet access, a credit card and let the fun begin!! Come on, with ONLINE SHOPPING, who needs trashy websites??!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.


Dialgatron said...

Internet shopping is kinda fun. What do you usually search to buy?

kristalangel said...

Mostly clothes for the girls. And small items .. DVDs, knick knacks.