Friday, June 4, 2010

Why I hate our zoo

Don't get me wrong. I've been to the one in San Diego and frankly speaking, ours wins hands down. For one thing the zoo in San Diego, the layout sucks. They very often had such steep slopes that u had to drag yourselves up just to get to one exhibit. And the slopes are so steep that wheelchairs and strollers are disallowed on them. Yes, they are THAT steep.

Our zoo wins on animal variety. And the fact that cos we are land scarce here, the distance from one exhibit/enclosure to the next isn't big.

BUT our weather is a big big disadvantage. The weather in San Diego when we were there was awesome. Sunny but not too hot. Very enjoyable to walk around. Our weather is hot and humid. It is really terrible. You're sweating buckets right after walking into the zoo entrance.

U literally have to struggle to walk around from one place to the next. While the zoo people have madea huge effort to plant big shady trees to provide some respite from the direct rays of the sun, it is still really really hot and humid. And trust me, the humidity is worse than that of Florida. Huh. In Florida, at least it cools down somewhat in the evening. It doesn't here.

And it's the heat and humidity that really drains you of energy and good humour. More often than not (like today) I was walking along and complaining to my maid. Hahaha :p poor woman has no choice but to listen to me and agree.

I loved the zoo in New Orleans. The Audobon Zoo. The weather was again pretty awesome and the zoo layout was nice and flat and they did have a nice variety of animals too. And birds too. And cos it was really nice weather (I think we were there at the start of Fall) it was cool and the zoo had no smell at all!

That's the other thing that our zoo rates poorly in. Cos of the tropical climate, our zoo smells. Well not too badly. The poop and such is cleared pretty regularly BUT the heat and humidity still means that there are smells. Ugh. So if you're pregnant and nauseous or just sensitive to smells, the zoo is a bad place to be.

- Posted using BlogPress from my cool iPhone :p

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