Sunday, April 11, 2010

Picket and Rail

Went to the Picket and Rail warehouse and guess what?! While their furniture is nice and the standard American type style ... they have pretty decent tableware and stuff. Damn .. walking around the place seeing their things for sale reminded me AGAIN of all the places I used to buy stuff from in the States .. my favourite being Williams-Sonoma, Crate and Barrel and Longaberger baskets. Lurve those. Brought quite a number back with me to Singapore. Hubby was of course absolutely aghast that baskets could cost so much .. hahaha! ... :p I think I bought more kichen and tableware in the 2 years that we were there than in my whole life here .. haha!

Ok, to be clear, the stuff at Picket and Rail warehouse is NOTHING like Williams-Sonoma and Crate and Barrel .. at Williams-Sonoma, I remember once, my friend and I were in their Scottsdale, AZ store browsing, and my friend bought one of their splatter guards .. they were US$25 each and it wasn't the super large one too. I know our Ikea has them too .. but er, not at US$25 apiece. Lol :p Picket and Rail has stuff that you'd find in their little stores selling knick knacks and Americana themed houseware. Just that somehow, I did feel a sense of nostagia walking through P and R. sigh.

I bought 2 serving plates from Picket and Rail .. :p Here, I managed to sneak a photo of just a small part of their kitchenware section.

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