Saturday, October 12, 2013

And so it begins ...

The Walking Dead season 4 starts on 20th Oct 2013 here. I cannot wait.

And I am dreading it. Lol. 

For those of you who don't know .. I have this silly fear of a zombie apocalypse. Yes, you read that right. I do. I can't help it. I've actually spent nights awake thinking about how we were going to survive should that happen. 

It gets worse every time I watch some zombie movie. The worst was after watching  "I am Legend".  Man, the  zombies in that movie were horrifyingly fast and strong. I walked out of the movie theatre a bit shell shocked. Most zombie movies I've seen have them portrayed ambling around rather slowly and therefore not really threatening. So not the case in I am Legend. Damn. 

Anyway, so I haven't been watching any zombie flicks for a while now. And so I've led a blissfully peaceful existence not thinking about a zombie apocalypse. Well, obviously that's gonna end once I'm glued to the tv watching The Walking Dead come 20th October. 

And no, I haven't considered NOT watching the series. Are u mad? Lol. I dunno why I have to torture myself this way, but I can't help myself.

Ok, excuse me now while I make up a list of canned food I should be stocking up on in case said zombie apocalypse really happens. No harm being prepared I say. 

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