Thursday, January 28, 2016

A new year ...

Honestly, I always think .. this is the day I will finally just shut down my blog, and then I think .. nah, let's just try to keep it going. So, this is me trying .. lol.

It's a new year .. again. How on earth did that happen? Why is time moving so fast? I can't keep up. I have all these plans .. things to do, places and people to see .. and it just gets drowned in the sea of all the everyday stuff I have to do. And now that I am regularly attending classes at the gym, even more I am just pressed for time.


On the plus side, I am now happier and healthier. And as a bonus, I've managed to shed some weight. Honestly, I am just happy to be able to attend classes and not have a little baby crying at home. My littlest one is now 5 and she is more than capable of entertaining herself while I am at the gym. And my face isn't so ROUND in photos anymore (see my Instagram account). THAT is a happy situation for me. I have hated looking at myself in photos for YEARS. I swear there are some years of my life, back when I was in my late teens .. you could hardly find a photo of me ANYWHERE. I avoided it like the plague. As I got older, I did appear in photos here and there .. but I really didn't like looking at those photos. It was only when I had my first child, that I realized that I should be in more photos. Of course, the photos of just Claudia herself still numbered in the thousands .. but thankfully, I do have photos of her and me together in them.

As camera phones became more prevalent, it did get harder and harder to avoid being in photos. I still disliked seeing myself in them, but I was not as uptight about it as I was before. Recently, though, now that my face isn't as HUGE ... I am happier being in shots with my girls. LOL. Really though, my aim isn't to be as skinny as a model. I am just happier being not as big as before.

It's 1.10am and I am up. I still keep late times .. but I wake up at 8 plus to get ready for class. I find myself not requiring more than 6 hours of sleep on most days. 7 at most. Any more than that, and I end up w a headache that lasts on and off for the whole day. And I wake up w an aching body. That sucks. I'd rather sleep 6 hours and wake up all refreshed and ache-free. I have 2 classes later .. one in the late morning and the other at night. So I am really looking forward to my day.

Yesterday was Claudia's 17th Birthday. I can't believe she's 17. Where did the time just go? I remember driving her to kindergarten in Clovis, NM .. and she was this small, lanky kid with Dora the Explorer hair. And now, she's talking about who is cute in One Direction (we both think Louis is cute ..and yes, I am aware the guy is only 24, ok?!!)

I leave you today with one of my favourite songs right now, by One Direction, of course. I love the lyrics ..

But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms
And if you like having secret little rendezvous
If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn’t do
Baby, I'm perfect
Baby, I'm perfect for you
And if you like midnight driving with the windows down
And if you like going places we can’t even pronounce
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about
Baby, you’re perfect
Baby, you’re perfect
So let's start right now
